On June 6th, 2018, in Siletz, Oregon a 12 year old girl was out with her mom and her mom's boyfriend searching for wood to make bows with when the young girl spotted a strange, skinny humanoid.
She described it as about 4 foot tall, oval shaped head, with dark brown eyes the size of quarters. There were no apparent ears or nostrils, just a bump where a nose is traditionally seen. There is also no mention of a mouth in the NUFORC report along with any description as to foot and hand digits, something that commonly differs in humanoid reports. She also stated it was skinny, emaciated to the point of seeing clear rib definition.
The girl spotted the being twice. Both times she described it as making fast movements. She also described what is referred to as the "oz factor", wherein the surrounding environment becomes unnaturally silent. In this instance, however, there was more than an unnerving silence. She described an odd buzzing, and any remaining noise had a strange reverberation to it.
The mom and boyfriend never saw the being, but when they all investigated where the thing was last spotted, they found strange fur that was described as smelling very foul.
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